October - November 2017
Sport journal! Sporta žurnāls!
Our students are interviewing famous athletes and their acquaintances who are doing sports professionally. During the interviews we try to find out what motivates these people to do their chosen sport, how they started it and what are the future career possibilities for those that would want to follow an athletes career.
Interview contest
During October and November our students were participating in a school competition dedicated to learning more about sport and famous athletes we might know in our friend and family circle.
Below are a few examples of the work our students did.
We received over 50 submissions from students in a wide range of themes. In the end, we decided to create 4 categories - interviews with family, friends, coaches and famous athletes.
All the best interviews were compiled and a sport journal was created. In it you can read about the life of youth coaches, see students discover surprising facts about their friends and families, as well as find interesting facts about world famous athletes that have a close connection to their home - Latvia.