January-May 2019
Do's and Dont's
In our lives we often do not realize how much our habits can influence our health. Below are the Do's and the Dont's that our students have gathered.
Good habits to maintain health and good mood.
Liquidate bad habits if you have them;
Start the day with a smile. Nothing charges positive better;
Think positively;
Pamper yourself: pleasant shopping, beauty treatments or just a good movie, viewed in goodcompany – it is a powerful charge of positive;
After returning home from work, school, take 15 minutes to relax with pleasant music;
Think only good thoughts. Remember: dreams are not an escape from reality, but means toapproach it;
Drink a glass of water before breakfast;
Eat a few fresh fruits or vegetables every day;
Eat fractional: 4-5 times a day at the same time;
Eat more often, but less;
Exclude from your diet fast food and other heavy food;
Daily consume dairy products: low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt without additives, yogurt;
Go for whole-grain bread;
Drink vitamins;
Observe personal hygiene ;
In the morning, take a contrast shower – helps to wake up no worse than a cup of strong coffee;
Ventilate rooms;
Keep your posture, walk straight;
Exercise 2-3 times a week for 1 hour;
Do morning exercises;
Forget the elevator. Go up and down on foot;
Arrange daily walks in the fresh air;
Once a year pass a general medical examination;
Do gymnastics for eyes;
Do not use a computee more than 2 hours;
Develop the habit of going to bed early and getting up early;
Train yourself to go to sleep and get up at the same time.
Bad habits.Dependencies.
Drug dependence;
Game addiction;
Shopping addiction;
Television addiction;
Internet addiction;
The habit of nail biting;
The habit of picking the skin;
Rhinotillexomania(the habit of picking your nose);
The habit of snap fingers;