The project "Y.E.A.H. - Young Europeans, Active & Healthy" started with transnational meeting in Krzczonów, Poland, from 2nd till 6th October 2017, where project coordinators, headmasters and most actively involved teachers met to discuss the implementation of the project. The meeting was attended by 10 teachers from 5 partner countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Portugal, Romania and Spain.
Project coordinator Kristina Kizlo and schools deputy director Helga Kizlo were the participants from Riga Secondary School Nr. 88.
The official opening of the visit was inaugurated by Jolanta Myslowska and Joanna Mazur, the headmistresses of the coordinating school. The participants had a chance to participate in lessons and talk with local teachers. During the first day of the meeting presentations about participating countries, schools and education systems were given.
Ewelina and Paweł Ciemięga, who planned out the meeting itinerary and organized the visit, conducted a number of discussion panels to set general terms and conditions of cooperation. During the debates, the Erasmus steering committee discussed the activities to be carried out in the forthcoming years and distributed the tasks, voted on meeting calendar, and finally, signed the Partnership Agreement.
During the meeting we decided on the main activities for this year of the project, the visit dates, the result measuring systems and the task division between the partners. Most of the time was spent working on the project and exchanging good practices, however we had a chance to also enjoy the culture and nature of Poland. Even the rainy days did not stop our active team from walking through the old city streets, climbing to the top of view towers and finding the hidden treasures of the places we visited.