December - February 2017/2018
Initial fitness and knowledge tests
In the beginning of the project we did an initial student knowledge test about sports and sport history, as well as a fitness test to test the overall heath of our pupils.
BMI index was also calculated for a mixed group of 11-13yo students. The measurements will be repeated during project evaluation.
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is meant to quantify the amount of tissue mass (muscle, bone and fat) in a person. Then it determines the indivvidual as:
*underweight (result: under 18.5)
*normal weight (result: 18.5 – 25)
*overweight (result: 25 – over)
The formula to calculate the BMI is the following: the body mass (in kilograms) is divided by the square of the body height (in metres).
The BMI is sometimes called Quatelet index as the idea of it came from Adolphe Quatelet, a Belgian astronomer, mathematician and sociologist, in the nineteenth century. The modern term (BMI) appeared for the first time in 1972.